The retreading industry is known for its cost-effectiveness, but just how much would you be saving? There are several things to consider beyond just the price when it comes to evaluating your cost savings with retreading.
- What are Retreaded Tires?
- How Much Do Retread Tires Cost?
- Retreading: Long Term Considerations
- Protecting Your Current Tire Casings For Retreading
- The AcuTread Difference
What are Retreaded Tires?
Retread tires, also known as remanufactured, remolded, recapped, or refurbished tires, are tires that have undergone a retreading or remanufacturing process, where the old, worn tread is replaced by a new tread. This process extends the life of premium tires by preserving the tire body (or casing) and replacing the tread.
The two most common retreading processes are mold cure (sometimes called hot retreading) and precure (sometimes called cold retreading). See how these processes differ.

How Much Do Retread Tires Cost?
Retread tires cost anywhere from 30-50% less than the price of a quality new tire. Because most of the manufacturing cost of a new tire goes into the tire casing, the tread is only a fraction of a new tire’s cost. This means that retreading allows you to save on tire replacement costs by only replacing the tread on worn casings you already own.
Retreading: Long Term Considerations
Extend Your Tire’s Lifespan
Remanufacturing your tires extends their lifetime value and allows you to get more miles out of your tire casings. You can expect AcuTread® products to perform just as well as, if not better than new premium tires do—delivering the same mileage and safety benefits. With the proper maintenance, you can retread your tires repeatedly—offering them a lifetime of up to 600,000 miles vs the 100,000-mile lifespan without!
NOTE: Send your tires in for retreading BEFORE they get down to the legal minimum tread depth (4/32” for steer tires and 2/32” for drive and trailer tires) to ensure they qualify.
Buy Fewer New Tires
Depending on the application and use, tires can be retreaded anywhere from 2 to 5 times (or more with proper maintenance). Retreading your tires instead of buying new tires adds up over time, saving you 30-50% each time.

Enjoy the Same Level of Safety and Performance—if Not Better
Tires remanufactured with state-of-the-art retreading processes are just as safe as new tires. The remanufacturing process meets the same standards as the original tire manufacturing process and follows many of the same steps. Retreaded tires are manufactured with only certified materials and undergo multiple vigorous inspections.
When it comes to appearance, aesthetics, and performance, tires that are remanufactured with advanced retreading processes can both look and perform as well as new tires.
Our streamlined technology and safety benefits include:
- Matched tire diameters – The AcuTread® segmented molds produce a fixed diameter every time—just like new tires. Each tire, regardless of brand, is within 1/32” in diameter. This important feature promotes even distribution of load, extending mileage and reducing heat build-up.
- Superior adhesion values – Each AcuTread® tire is cured with direct physical pressure resulting in very high adhesion values. AcuTread® products can withstand severe twisting, turning, and higher running temperatures—just like new tires.
- Contoured tread – The technology of the AcuTread® process ensures that every casing is prepared to an exact width and contour each time. Properly buffed casing dimensions reduce casing fatigue, shoulder separations, and tread edge lifts while also promoting even wear for extended mileage.
- Splice-free – Using a computerized rubber extruder, specialized rubber compounds are applied to the casing in one continuous strip, eliminating the possibility of a splice. Alternative precure retreading processes apply fully cured tread to casings and splice it together where the ends meet. Some tires may have more than one splice. The splice can cause a weak point and ride disturbance from an out-of-balance condition.
- Full-depth siping – Siping assists in dispersing heat from the tread and providing more traction on icy roads. This “new tire” feature reduces casing fatigue and stress due to excessive heat build-up in the tread. Lower tread temperature is a key factor in extended wear and fuel economy.
For more information, Wonderland Tire, a co-developer of the AcuTread® process, answers the question “Are Retreads Safe?” in their guide to remanufactured tires and their benefits.
Enjoy the Same Fuel Mileage—if Not Better
Remanufactured tires have come a long way, now providing similar, if not better, fuel efficiency when compared to new tires. The AcuTread® product is no exception! Thanks to our specially formulated rubber compounds and properly buffed casing dimensions, AcuTread® remanufactured tires have superior fuel efficiency, adhesion, longevity, and cut resistance. View our low rolling resistance models that meet the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s requirements for size, performance, and testing.
Learn more about low rolling resistance remanufactured tires.

Go Green in More Ways Than One
Choosing to retread goes beyond just cost savings, delivering massive environmental savings as well. “A retread tire uses 15 gallons less oil and approximately 90-100 pounds less total material than a new tire. The U.S. and Canada tire retread industry, therefore, saves approximately 217.5 million gallons of oil and delivers 1.4 billion pounds of landfill avoidance on an annual basis,” said David Stevens, Managing Director of Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau (TRIB).
Protecting Your Current Tire Casings For Retreading
Proper maintenance is essential for extending the longevity of your tires. Maintaining proper inflation, completing regular tire rotations, and avoiding road hazards can all help ensure your tire casing remains at retreading quality.
- Proper tire inflation – Nothing damages a tire’s casing faster than improper tire inflation. Over-inflating wears out the center of the casing, while under-inflating wears on the tire’s shoulder and damages the casing’s structure.
- Rotate your tires regularly – Periodical tire rotations help to even out tire wear, extending their lifespan and maintaining their integrity for future retreads.
- Take care of your current tread – Cleaning your tread regularly, driving carefully, and keeping an eye on your tread wear are all great ways to combat premature wear and preserve your tires for retreading.
Learn more about preserving your fleet’s tire casings.

The AcuTread® Difference
The AcuTread® remanufacturing process is a highly advanced retreading system, engineered second to none. It allows us to produce tires that are built expertly for safety, uniformity, reduced heat buildup, and longer tread life.
Contact us to discover just how much you could be saving each year with AcuTread!
Retread Tires Near Me
Interested in retreading your tires with an AcuTread manufacturer? We have dealers located across Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. Find an AcuTread dealer near you.